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The Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters is now Refinitiv

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March 5, 2013


by Xav Feng.

For fourth quarter 2012 the overall performance of CPFIS-included funds soared 2.86% on average, given a positive return of 3.10% on average among CPFIS-included unit trusts and a positive return of 2.70% among CPFIS-included ILPs. The CPFIS-included equity type (i.e., unit trusts and ILPs combined) posted a positive return of 3.51% for the quarter and mixed-asset products rose 2.17%, while the bond type of CPFIS-included funds rose 0.98%. The MSCI World index soared 2.19% during the same period, while the Citigroup WGBI fell 2.12% for the quarter.

For the 12-month period the overall performance of CPFIS-included funds posted a positive return of 10.35% on average. CPFIS-included unit trusts rallied 11.09% on the year, and CPFIS-included ILPs soared 9.83% on average. During the same period the key benchmark MSCI World TR USD rallied 9.78%, while the Citigroup WGBI TR slumped 4.24%. For the one-year period equity products (+12.27% on average) outperformed the bond offerings (+4.73% on average) and mixed-asset type (+8.50% on average).

For the three-year period CPFIS-included funds soared a 3.95% growth on average, accounted for by a gain of 6.57% on average from CPFIS-included unit trusts and 2.13% on average from CPFIS-included ILPs. Bond funds were the leading gainers (+10.59%). Equity portfolios delivered 2.77% growth, and mixed-asset funds posted a gain of 5.33% on average.

During fourth quarter 2012 the best performing asset class among CPFIS-included unit trusts was equity funds, with a 3.56% gain on average. The return of the bond type rose 1.18%. The return among mixed-asset portfolios was a positive 1.72% on average.For the one-year period equity products (+12.60%) outperformed the bond offerings (+5.42%) and mixed-asset type (+6.52% on average). For the three-year period bond funds were the leading gainers (+12.86%). Equity portfolios delivered 6.39% growth, and mixed-asset funds posted a gain of 4.20% on average.

For fourth quarter 2012 ILP portfolios, equity funds rallied 3.47% on average, and bond, mixed-asset, and money market funds posted positive returns of 0.83%, 2.28%, and 0.18%, respectively. On average for the one-year period money market funds posted a gain of 0.83%, and equity funds rallied 11.95%, while bond and mixed-asset offerings rose 4.23% and 9.03%, respectively. Bond products (+8.84%) outperformed the other asset class offerings over the three-year period, mixed-asset and money market types posted gains of  5.66% and 1.21% on average, respectively, while only equity type slightly slumped 0.78% for the three years through December 2012.


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