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July 15, 2019

Refinitiv Announces India Lipper Fund Awards 2019 Winners

by Refinitiv.

10 JULY 2019 – The winners of the India Lipper Fund Awards from Refinitiv have been revealed. Following the recent rebranding of Thomson Reuters financial and risk business to Refinitiv in India, the awards are now known as Lipper Fund Awards from Refinitiv.

The Lipper Fund Awards from Refinitiv are held to recognise top-performing unit trust funds in the country. Only funds that have performed well for three years or more are recognised and winners are determined based on the Lipper Leader ratings for Consistent Return, a risk-adjusted investment performance return measure developed by Lipper.

The influential and prestigious Lipper Fund Awards are based on our Lipper Leaders Rating for Consistent Return (please click here to see the full list of winners). The awards are based on Lipper’s proven proprietary methodology, which can be viewed here. The full list of 2019 Group Award winners follows below:

Winner Group Award by Asset Type
ICICI Prudential Overall
Franklin Templeton Investments Bond
Mirae Asset Equity
ICICI Prudential Mixed Assets


This year, a total of 28 awards were given out in India, including 24 for fund classification awards, 3 group asset awards and 1 overall group award. Amongst the India mutual fund classification awards, 8 were given for three-year period, 8 for five-year period, and 8 for ten-year period.

Xav Feng, Head of Asia Pacific Research, Lipper, commented, “The total net asset value of the India fund market has seen significant growth, surging 127.5% to $325,699.54 million compared to 2017, as of the end of 2018. However, India posted slightly net inflow of $2,921.41 million compared with 2017’s net inflow of $43,564.3 million. Moreover, a $532 billion net inflow surged into global fund markets in 2018, and money market funds posted the largest net inflows of $237 billon while bond funds posted a slight net outflow. The US continued enjoying the largest net inflows of $236 billion while Europe posted slightly less net inflows of $1.5 billion for 2018. Investors should continue watching out for US and China developments off the back of last week’s G20 meeting and the US Fed’s further monetary policy.”

Lipper data covers more than 312,000 share classes and 139,000 funds in 86 countries. The Lipper Leader ratings are available for mutual funds registered for sale in over 42 markets.

About Refinitiv

Refinitiv is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data and infrastructure, serving over 40,000 institutions in approximately 190 countries. It provides leading data and insights, trading platforms, and open data and technology platforms that connect a thriving global financial markets community – driving performance in trading, investment, wealth management, regulatory compliance, market data management, enterprise risk and fighting financial crime.

About the Lipper Fund Awards from Refinitiv

For more than three decades and in over 20 countries worldwide, the Lipper Fund Awards from Refinitiv have honoured funds and fund management firms that have excelled in providing consistently strong risk-adjusted performance relative to their peers. For more information, please visit http://www.lipperfundawards.com/.

Notes to Editors

The Lipper Fund Awards from Refinitiv do not constitute and are not intended to constitute investment advice or an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security of any entity in any jurisdiction. As a result, investors should not make an investment decision on the basis of this information. Lipper Fund Awards designations are for informational purposes only. Lipper is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information obtained from Lipper. In addition, Lipper will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from information obtained from Lipper or any of its affiliates. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance and investors should remember that past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

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