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Jake Moeller

Former Head of Refinitiv Lipper UK & Ireland Research

Twitter: @JakeMoeller1

LinkedIn: Jake Moeller

Email: Jake.Moeller@refinitiv.com

Numbers of post written by this author: 259

Jake Moeller
Jake was the Head of Refinitiv Lipper UK & Ireland Research from 2013 to 2020. Since 1998, he has specialised in mutual fund research & selection, fund-of-funds portfolio management and asset allocation strategies. He spent six years as a portfolio manager and fund selector at AIG and has been a mutual fund research specialist for Lloyds Banking Group, Towry and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. He is a trustee director of the Refinitiv UK Pension Plan. Jake is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment (CISI) and a Senior Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (Finsia).

List of all the posts by Jake Moeller

U.K. Lipper Fund Awards 2020: We Will Meet Again

The 30th annual U.K. Lipper Fund Awards event had been due to take place at London’s elegant Banking Hall on March 18, 2020. However, the physical event was cancelled due to the unfolding Covid-19 crisis. Despite the developing human drama, we should still recognize those funds which have produced strong risk-adjusted returns for their clients to the end of 2019. This year’s awards have seen several new faces as well as a handful of repeat winners. It is great to see a blend of boutiques and established houses which are beating the drum for active funds management. Setting the scene: mutual
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Fund Manager Chat: Rajiv Jain, GQG Partners Global Equity Fund

In this wide-ranging  #FundManagerChat, Rajiv Jain, CIO of GQG Partners and Manager of the GQG Partners Global Equity Fund, discusses how he finds the opportunities in global equities markets. Rajiv explains what drove him to set up his own fund house after forging a successful career at Vontobel and outlines the key influences behind his unique and successful “quality growth” process. Rajiv also provides a summary of global equities markets and explains how his considerable experience with previous bear markets is helping him navigate the difficulties presented by the current Covid-19 crisis. Running Order Run Time Topic 00:25 What have
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Fund Manager Chat: The Unstoppable Rise of ESG–Ben Constable-Maxwell, M&G Investments

In this #FundManagerChat podcast, Ben Constable-Maxwell, head of sustainable and impact investing at M&G Investments, shares his views on the increasing prominence that ESG, impact and responsible investing is taking on for investors and fund managers. Ben examines some of the challenges that fund managers face, particularly in quantifying and measuring criteria, and he outlines the key issues that groups should be prioritizing. Ben also considers some of the myths around ESG investing, how the Covid-19 crisis is giving prominence to ESG factors and what success looks like for an ESG-conscious fund manager. Running Order Run Time Topic 00:20 Why
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Fund Manager Chat: Keith Skeoch, CEO – Standard Life Aberdeen

In this wide-ranging #FundManagerChat podcast, Keith Skeoch, CEO of Standard Life Aberdeen Plc, [SLA.L] considers the impacts of the unfolding Covid-19 crisis on investments, the economy, companies and society. Keith considers the human elements of the crisis, and examines how it is driving changes to the way that investment firms and the industry, might operate in the future. Keith also provides a market and economic overview, reviews the policy responses to the crisis and considers what opportunities might present themselves for investors and fund management companies as the crisis recedes. Running Order Run Time Topic 00:30 How is the Covid-19
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