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Richard Peterson

CEO of MarketPsych

Email: marketpsych@gmail.com

Numbers of post written by this author: 5

Richard Peterson
Richard L. Peterson is CEO of MarketPsych (www.marketpsych.com), a behavioral finance boutique that - in partnership with Refinitiv - produces the global standard in financial sentiment data derived from textual analysis of global news and social media. In academia he developed popular financial personality tests, published widely in academic textbooks and journals including Games and Economic Behavior and Journal of Neuroscience, and is an associate editor of the Journal of Behavioral Finance. His latest book "Trading on Sentiment" (Wiley) is out March 2016. His prior books, "Inside the Investor's Brain" (Wiley, 2007) and "MarketPsych" (Wiley, 2010) were both named top financial books of the year by Kiplinger. Dr. Peterson received cum laude Electrical Engineering (B.S.), Arts (B.A.), and Doctor of Medicine degrees (M.D.) from the University of Texas. Called "Wall Street's Top Psychiatrist" by the Associated Press, he performed postdoctoral neuroeconomics research at Stanford University and is Board-certified in Psychiatry.

List of all the posts by Richard Peterson

Social Trust in Tech Management Is Falling (with One Exception)

The image above depicts MarketPsych’s media sentiment data as it monitors perceptions of corporate management. Note the lack of drama around Satya Nadella at Microsoft, while Zuckerberg and Musk have kept their Investor Relations firms busy.
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The impact of Trump on Chinese currency

The trade war viewed in the media sentiment about the Chinese currency. Note how sentiment about the Yuan and the exchange rate rises when Trump is friendly with China and drops when he tweets intent to implement tariffs.
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How the Trade War (and Trump) Drive Global Asset Prices

With Donald Trump’s trade war, the role of media in driving market prices has become explicit. Below is an image of the CNY/USD exchange rate with two sentiment moving averages superimposed.  From 2017 to April 2018, media reports on the Chinese Yuan trended more positive, and the green shading between the two moving averages represents that trend.  However, in April 2018 Trump began to beat the trade war drums about implementing tariffs.  Initially these reports were seen as a bluff, but within two months it became clear they were not, and sentiment collapsed, following by the exchange rate.  An image of
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MarketPsych Indicies | The Rise, Fall, & Resurrection(?) of Cryptocurrencies

The universe of numbers that represents the global economy. Millions of hands at work, billions of minds. A vast network, screaming with life. An organism. A natural organism. My hypothesis: Within the stock market, there is a pattern as well… Right in front of me… hiding behind the numbers. Always has been. ~ Max Cohen in Pi (1998, movie), Artisan Entertainment. The movie “Pi” follows Max Cohen – a genius mathematician – as he searches for a single number that will unlock the universal patterns found in nature.  As he hones his understanding in the stock market, he is pursued by
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