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May 14, 2018

Fund Manager Chat: Low Carbon Strategies – Dom Giuliano, Magellan Asset Management

by Jake Moeller.

In this podcast, Dom Giuliano, Deputy CIO of Australian-based Magellan Asset Management, outlines the philosophy and positioning of Magellan’s Global Low Carbon Strategies.

He explains how this portfolio fits in within the framework of traditional ESG and ethical funds, and why low-carbon strategies are becoming increasingly popular with institutional investors. He outlines the unique risks contained in this strategy and examines where stock opportunities present themselves. He also explains how passive solutions in this area may potentially lead to the inclusion of stocks incompatible with a genuine low-carbon strategy.

Dom also provides a broad outlook for the global equities markets in 2018 and outlines the levels of cash he is currently holding in his portfolios.

Running Order

Run Time Topic
00:20 What are the objectives of Magellan’s Low Carbon Strategies?
02:00 Where does this strategy fit in with broader ESG/ ethical strategies?
05:00 Outline the universe of stocks this strategy restricts you to.
05:30 What are the unique risk characteristics this particular strategy presents to investors?
06:30 Outline some stock examples within this strategy.
08:14 How durable do you think low-carbon strategies will be in the future?
09:11 What are the levels of engagement between companies and shareholders on this particular issue?
10:20 What are the limitations of persuing a low-carbon strategy via a passive solution?
11:50 What is your broader outlook for global equities markets in 2018?


Dom is chatting with Jake Moeller, Head of Lipper UK and Ireland Research, at Refinitiv in Sydney, Australia, on April 26, 2018.

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About Dom Giuliano

Dom Giuliano, Deputy CIO - Magellan Asset Management.

Dom Giuliano, Deputy CIO – Magellan Asset Management.

Domenico Giuliano joined Magellan in March 2007 with responsibility for research coverage of the Financials sector.

In 2011 Dom was promoted to Portfolio Manager, working closely with the CEO/CIO on investment strategy and portfolio management of the Global Equity strategies. In December 2014, Dom was promoted to Deputy Chief Investment Officer. In this expanded role, Dom has primary responsibility for coverage, investment strategy and product development while continuing to cover financial stocks.

Prior to Magellan, Dom spent 11 years in a variety of investment and actuarial roles. Dom joined Magellan from Morgan Stanley, where he was an Executive Director with responsibility for leading sector coverage of Insurance companies for the Asia-Pacific region. Dom has also worked as a Consultant with Tillinghast Towers Perrin, working across a wide span of assignments through posts in its Melbourne, Milan and Sydney offices.

Dom holds a Master of Business Administration from the Australian Graduate School of Management and a Bachelor of Economics from Macquarie University, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia.  Dom is a member of Magellan’s Investment Committee. 

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This material is provided for as market commentary and for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment research or advice. We cannot be held responsible for any direct or incidental loss resulting from applying any of the information provided in this publication or from any other source mentioned. Please consult with a qualified professional for financial advice. The author does not own shares in this investment.

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