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European Fund Flow, 2/25 Total flows to mutual funds for February were €76.91bn. This breaks down to: mutual fund flows (+€43.16 bn) and ETFs (+€33.75bn). Bond ... Find Out More
STOXX 600 Earnings Outlook 24Q4 | Mar. 18, 2025 Download the full report here. Please note: if you use our earnings data, please source "LSEG I/B/E/S". Find out more about our estimates with ... Find Out More
Chart of the Week: European cement stocks swell as peace hopes rise The European cement sector has had a strong start to 2025 compared to its US equivalent. As the chart shows, European cement stocks have been ... Find Out More
Monday Morning Memo: U.S. ETF Industry Review, February 2025 February 2025 was another month with strong inflows for the U.S. ETF industry. These inflows occurred in a volatile market environment in which ... Find Out More
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Chart of the Week: Exposure to China: Key Differential in Performance of US-Listed Firms

US-listed firms that derive a significant share of their revenue in China have significantly underperformed their peers in 2018. Fathom’s China Exposure Index (CEI) peaked at 117.3 on 22 March, the day that the US first announced that it would impose tariffs on imports from China; it has now dropped to 100.1, meaning that firms in the CEI have underperformed their US-listed peers by 15% since then. Sino-US trade tensions, a weakening renminbi and China’s slowing economy explain the underperformance. An easing of such trade tensions, and a firm commitment by China to open its markets to US firms, would
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Chart of the WeekCharts & Tables
Oct 1, 2018
posted by Fathom Consulting

News in Charts: Fathom’s Q3 Forecast Changes

Investors have heeded our advice and adopted a risk-off approach over the last quarter — the yields of core government bonds have fallen, equity markets have had a mixed performance and emerging market assets have sold off. We attribute the decline in core government bond yields to a fall in the term premium, rather than a lower expected path for interest rates. Given investor uncertainty, in part related to simmering trade tensions, and our expectation that a global recession is on the horizon, our top-level asset allocation is unchanged in Q3. Refresh the chart in your browser | Edit chart in Datastream
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Charts & TablesNew in Charts
Sep 28, 2018
posted by Fathom Consulting

Chart of the Week: Fiscal Uncertainty Weighing on Italian Sentiment

Since the turn of the year, and more broadly over the full timescale of our indicator, Italy’s ESI has been considerably more volatile than that of other euro area countries. After peaking at 1.3% in January, the indicator has now more than halved to 0.6%.  It fell 0.3 percentage points in August alone, as uncertainty over the composition of the upcoming budget continued to unnerve investors and undermine economic sentiment. Among euro area countries, Italy’s government debt is second only to that of Greece, hovering around 130% of GDP. The country can ill afford to add to this burden. Nevertheless,
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Chart of the WeekCharts & Tables
Sep 24, 2018
posted by Fathom Consulting

News in Charts: Timeout for US Small Caps?

The S&P 500 has been making headlines this summer, posting its longest ever bull market despite growing volatility elsewhere in the world. Indeed, it remains on course to beat other developed-market equity indices by more than 5% for the second successive quarter. However, it is US small caps that have attracted our attention. While on the face of it, investors have been reducing their equity exposure in favour of fixed income, we would argue that portfolio risk may not have come down significantly as investors remain heavily invested in riskier types of equity, with a small overweight to small caps
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Charts & TablesNew in Charts
Sep 21, 2018
posted by Fathom Consulting

News in Charts: China – Old Model Still Doing The Heavy Lifting

According to Fathom’s China Momentum Indicator (CMI), China’s growth slowed slightly in July to 6.6%, having peaked at the end of last year close to 7%. The slowdown reflects weaker growth in credit and in retail sales, with most of the other components of the CMI holding up. Refresh the chart in your browser | Edit chart in Datastream This is ‘old-model’ growth: lots of heavy materials being shifted around the economy; lots of commodities being used in infrastructure investment; weak currency supporting exports; consumption squeezed through tighter credit conditions. China abandoned the ‘new model’ (rebalancing towards the consumer) at the end
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Charts & TablesNew in Charts
Sep 7, 2018
posted by Fathom Consulting

Evidence for Tilting Portfolios Toward Quality During Market Downturns

In this Research Note, we’ll explore in more detail the validity of the adage “flight to quality.” The hypothesis is that during times of fear or uncertainty in the markets, institutional investors typically have to maintain market exposure as part of their mandate, but may shift their holdings toward lower-risk securities. In this paper, we’ll examine if this behavior actually occurred during several market sell-offs. We use the StarMine® Earnings Quality (EQ)1 stock ranking model throughout this Research Note as the measure of “quality.” In this study, we performed a test examining the performance of a quality factor from the
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Sep 7, 2018
posted by Tim Gaumer

Chart of the Week: G4 Inflation Rates to Converge on Central Bank Targets?

At long last inflation is beginning to rise in the advanced economies and it is now above target in the US (2.9%), euro area (2.1%) and UK (2.4%). Looking forward, Fathom expects these headline rates to remain relatively close to target but for varying reasons. In both the US and euro area, the output gap should exert greater upward pressure on prices next year and broadly offset a diminished contribution from energy prices. By contrast, UK inflation is likely to weaken slightly from here and slip below 2.0% by the end of this year as the effects of sterling’s post-Brexit
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Chart of the WeekCharts & Tables
Aug 13, 2018
posted by Fathom Consulting

News in Charts: China Prioritizes Short-Term Growth

Fathom’s measure of economic activity in China — the CMI — stood at 6.5% in June, unchanged from the revised May reading, but below both its recent peak and official GDP estimates. After months of waning momentum, this steadying may reflect China’s recent efforts to support the economy through monetary stimulus, a sign that it is again doubling down on its old growth model. Refresh the chart in your browser | Edit chart in Datastream Faced with slowing growth and escalating trade tensions, we correctly predicted that China would also allow its currency to weaken, with a forecast of 6.8 against the
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Chart of the WeekNew in Charts
Aug 10, 2018
posted by Fathom Consulting

US Consumer Confidence Shows Continued Strength

This August, American consumer confidence, as measured by the Thomson Reuters/Ipsos Primary Consumer Sentiment Index, ticked up by 0.9 points to 62.7. All four sub-indices considered in the Primary Index also saw an increase this month. The Investment Index saw the greatest increase, up 1.5 points. The Current Index saw a similar increase of 1.1 points. “This month’s consumer confidence measurement is the first since tariffs took effect on China as of July 6th,” reported Chris Jackson, VP at survey research firm Ipsos. “We’ve seen slight increases across the board in our indices so it appears consumers are relatively unfazed
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Consumer Insight
Aug 9, 2018
posted by Jharonne Martis

Chart of the Week: June Saw Further Easing of UK Economic Sentiment

Fathom’s UK Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI), which distils information from a wide range of business and consumer surveys, eased from 0.6% in May to 0.5% in June. Optimism among manufacturers remained high, but there was a further deterioration in sentiment among consumer-facing service sector firms. Refresh the chart in your browser | Edit chart in Datastream At its meeting on 2 August, the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee voted, as expected, to increase Bank Rate by 25 basis points to 0.75%. In our judgement, with Brexit-related uncertainty continuing to weigh on economic activity, UK growth will turn out significantly weaker than
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Chart of the WeekCharts & Tables
Aug 6, 2018
posted by Fathom Consulting

A New Way to Understand the Environmental Impact of Investments

As the drive towards ESG investing continues apace – how can Investors quickly understand the CO2 impact of their assets? The current heat-wave in the UK and related national disasters in the Northern Hemisphere –Sweden, Greece, and United States – are once again putting climate change and the constantly increasing average temperature of our Globe to the forefront of public attention. As greenhouse gas emissions (including CO2) are one of the main contributors to global warming, we expect higher scrutiny into CO2 emissions of corporations in the near future. BlackRock’s letter to CEOs on strategy for long-term growth, and the
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Charts & TablesMarket & Industry InsightThought Leadership
Aug 3, 2018
posted by Barnabas Acs PHD

News in Charts: Falling Market Liquidity – Danger for Risk Assets?

Fathom Consulting’s proprietary liquidity indicator, the FLIQ, points to a drop in market liquidity amid Federal Reserve rate hikes and quantitative tightening. The FLIQ is calculated by looking at the price of closed-end funds (CEFs). It is designed to provide a timely and intuitive assessment of aggregate financial market liquidity risk. By their nature, CEFs will tend to trade at a discount to the value of the underlying assets (their net asset value, or NAV). By measuring the size of this discount, relative to its historic average, we can obtain an estimate of the abundance, or the scarcity of market
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Charts & TablesNew in Charts
Jul 26, 2018
posted by Fathom Consulting
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