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November 5, 2020

Fathom’s Recovery Watch Chart 04.11.20: Second-wave lockdowns have been very effective

by Fathom Consulting.

Over the past week Belgium, France and Germany have responded to the dramatic increase in identified cases of COVID-19 across Europe by imposing nationwide restrictions on economic activity. And from midnight tonight, England will join Northern Ireland and Wales in imposing its own second national lockdown. The restrictions are, in general, less severe than those imposed in the spring, with schools remaining open. The intention at least is that they will be time-limited, with most countries planning to shut down sectors of their economy for four to six weeks. The success of Israel and Ireland, two of the first countries to return to lockdown, in rapidly bringing down their rates of infection, gives us some hope that these relatively short periods of closure will prove sufficient.

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This chart is taken from Fathom’s Recovery Watch newsletter. Click here to subscribe to Recovery Watch.


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