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November 19, 2020

Fathom’s Recovery Watch Chart 18.11.2020: Rising COVID-19 cases prompt extra restrictions in Europe

by Fathom Consulting.

More countries across Europe have imposed restrictions on movement as identified cases of COVID-19 continue to rise. This week, Austria took the unpopular step of closing schools and non-essential shops, while Scotland announced that eleven local authority areas will be subject to level four restrictions from Friday, and non-essential travel into or out of these areas will soon be made illegal. Those moves follow the reimposition of restrictions in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany, where COVID-19 cases have now started to come back down, as illustrated in the right-hand pane of the chart below. But elsewhere in Europe cases continue to rise, as shown on the left-hand side.

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This chart is taken from Fathom’s Recovery Watch newsletter. Click here to subscribe.


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