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January 23, 2023

Refinitiv Lipper U.S. Mutual Funds & ETPs Q4 2022 Snapshot: Conventional Fund and ETP Assets Under Management Rose in Q4 by a Combined $1.555 Trillion

by Tom Roseen.

In this issue of Refinitiv Lipper’s U.S. Mutual Funds & Exchange-Traded Products Snapshot, we feature a summary of total net assets (TNA), estimated net flows, new fund creations, and fund liquidations for conventional funds and exchange-traded products (ETPs) for Q4 2022 and the year.

We compare the changes to those of prior quarters and highlight the largest individual gainers and losers of both groups. The Snapshot provides readers with a powerful, easy-to-use guide, and quick reference tool to help them discern fund trends during the quarter.


  • For Q4 2022, the average equity and taxable fixed income fund rose a handsome 8.77% and 2.44%, respectively.
  • TNA in the conventional funds business rose 4.41%, climbing $955.5 billion from Q3 2022 to slightly more than $22.629 trillion for Q4 2022.
  • The developed international markets funds macro-group witnessed the largest absolute and relative increase in TNA under management, jumping $203.3 billion (+10.11%) for the quarter to $2.214 trillion.
  • Long-term taxable bond funds witnessed the largest absolute decline in TNA, plummeting $18.7 billion (-1.84%) to $993.7 billion at quarter end.
  • TNA in U.S. ETPs increased 10.13% from $5.917 trillion for Q3 2022 to slightly less than $6.517 trillion for Q4 2022, an increase of more than $599.6 billion.
  • For Q4, the U.S. diversified equity ETPs macro-group witnessed the largest absolute (+$141.8 billion) increase in TNA (+11.52%) from the prior quarter end, climbing from $1.231 trillion for Q3 to $1.373 trillion for Q4.
  • For Q4, actively managed funds—excluding money market funds—handed back some $366.1 billion net, while their passively managed counterparts attracted a net $156.1 billion.

Click here or on the Download Full Report link in the upper right-hand column of this page to download the entire FundIndustry Insight Report: Lipper U.S. Mutual Funds & ETPs Q4 2022 Snapshot.

Refinitiv Lipper delivers data on more than 330,000 collective investments in 113 countries. Find out more.

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